Current Photo Exhibition: Inner Mongolia
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the due north of China. Winter in Inner Mongolia is just like what is described in the poem “North country scene: A hundred leaguesRead More…
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the due north of China. Winter in Inner Mongolia is just like what is described in the poem “North country scene: A hundred leaguesRead More…
What to watch during the Spring Festival? A new show awaits you every day! Hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, organized by the Center for China Shanghai InternationalRead More…
9 september invigdes Beautiful Fujian Photo Exhibition och Fujian, a Refreshing Place and a Blessed Land resevideo på China Cultural Center in Stockholm. Utställningen som pågår till 31/10 är arrangerad avRead More…
Välkomna till utställningen Drakar från Weifang! Den 10 September öppnade vi vår första utställning för allmänheten sedan pandemin. Den pågår till 31 oktober 2022. Kineserna har byggt flygdrakar i mer änRead More…
Den 9:e september invigdes utställningen “Drakar från Weifang” som arrangerades av China Cultural Center In Stockholm och Municipal Government of Weifang, Shandong provinsen, och i samverkan med Weifang World Kite Museum ochRead More…
Co-sponsored by and Beijing Sunny Communications Ltd. and supported by China Cultural Center in Stockholm, the open call of “Best Season to Travel” is now officially launched. This edition calls for submission of photographs, short videos, digital images andRead More…