Different regions observe various customs. Colorful and diverse local cultures bloom on the vast land of China, presenting different Chinese New Year experiences. Since ancient times, Zhejiang has been an elegant place enjoying scenic landscape, profound history and splendid culture. For thousands of years, dream pursuers have come here to express their love for nature and to cleanse their hearts, leaving precious poems and paintings that have been passed down to us now.
《树林》[英国] 安·布洛克丽 / Forest [UK] Ann Brockley
A floating black-awning boat, has connected the past thousands of years and the present of this land;
A cup of yellow rice wine, is to toast this wonderful time in silent breeze;
A breathtaking landscape, is a piece of nature where countless literati and poets have chanted their poems of praise;
A Yue opera, allows you to wander in the melodious music, to empty your mind in the lingering tune and meet charming characters in the touching story.
《意向》[英国] 艾蜜丽·葆 / Intention [UK] Emily Ball
《世界看见 · 诗画浙江文旅海外推广金名片展》,展示浙江的山水之美、人文之美、创造之美。“美”,是世界共通的语言,古和今,您和我,因美而相遇。故美亦是此次展示的出发点。我们希望,来自世界各地的您,能参与到这一场对“美”的看见、传承、甚至创新之中,感受到浙江的诗情画意,聆听群山“交鸣”、涓流“细语”,看见浙江的世界,看见世界的浙江。
“A Show to the World: Picturesque Zhejiang – Online Exhibition of Dynamic Zhejiang Culture and Tourism” demonstrates the beauty of Zhejiang’s nature, culture and creation by means of art exhibitions, dynamic performances and integration of technology and art. At the exhibition, visitors from all over the world will feel the poetic and picturesque splendor of Zhejiang, hear the melody of mountains and streams, see various aspects of Zhejiang and observe Zhejiang from global perspectives.
浙江风景 Zhejiang’s Scenery
Click the following link or scan the QR code to initiate a virtual tour of picturesque Zhejiang province:
等你来浙江 See You in Zhejiang
Longquan Celadon Experience Tour
《听瓷语 观世界》互动体验 “听瓷语 观世界”互动体验通过展示唯一入选世界“非遗”技艺的浙江龙泉青瓷,在“欢乐春节”的气氛中,以全新技术营造“中华传统文化”与全球民众“云端”交流互鉴,引导观众“亲临”龙泉、亲身感受传承、品味青瓷、走近大师、 见证千年窑火。借助全三维场景交互,身临其境探访龙泉青瓷从幽林深山中“泥土”到璀璨瑰宝的转化,感受青瓷文化惊艳世界的千年时光。
Longquan Celadon Experience Tour features the only element of Chinese porcelain culture to be included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Amidst the joyous atmosphere of Spring Festival celebrations, the Experience Tour uses brand-new technology to allow friends from all over the world to interact with traditional Chinese culture online. The Experience Tour allows the audience to “visit” Longquan, Zhejiang to experience how the culture of its exquisite celadons has been preserved over centuries by porcelain masters. Through a full 3D-interactive environment, visitors can see for themselves how the Longquan Celadon manufacturing process transforms clay mined from deep in forested mountains into stunning pieces of art. Visitors will also be able to experience how Longquan’s celadon culture has dazzled the world over the centuries.
听瓷语·观世界互动体验展 Longquan Celadon Experience Tour
观展链接及二维码 / Exhibition entrance:
菱口鬲式炉 Tripod Burner with a Lotus Rim
玉壶春 Yuhuchun Pear-shaped Vase
美人醉 Charming Beauty Vase
莲纹大斗碗 Big Bowl with Lotus Design
凤耳瓶 Vase with Phoenix-shaped Ears
Traditional Customs of the Spring Festival: Enjoying the Wu Opera and Its Face Masks
Zhejiaing Wu Opera was listed as national intangible cultural heritage in 2008. The following lecture will give you a brief introduction of Wu Opera and its face masks while presenting some typical Wu Opera performances related to the Spring Festival.
赏婺剧•说脸谱•品中国——传统文化过大年 Traditional Customs of the Spring Festival: Enjoying the Wu Opera and Its Face Masks
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Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholm
Tik Tok: cccinstockholm
Wechat: 斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心 or scan the QR code below