Have some fantastic photos or selfies with pandas? Willing to share your dreams or stories about China with others? Got special talents in Chinese arts, instruments or even kungfu? “My Encounters with China” is now officially recruiting! Don’t miss this chance, please don’t hesitate to share them with more people through our major media platforms!
What we want:
The content can be various and please think out of the box.
It can be the individuals that you came cross or friends in China.
We love to see your passion or talent in anything about China such as playing Chinese instruments, singing songs, making art crafts & work or even performing Kungfu. It can also be a romantic love story or an unforgettable memory in China.
截止至1 到31日,发送超过45秒的高清视频或者配有100字以内描述的图片到info@cccstockholm.org,就可以让你的故事通过我们的平台被更多人知道!如果您的作品被我们选用,更有机会获得一份神秘大礼哦!
Send HD video (more than 45s) or photos (with a note within 100 words) to info@cccstockholm.org by 31 Jan, 2021. A mysterious surprise is waiting for you!
#我与中国的邂逅 #MyEncountersWithChina
Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholm
Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholm
Tik Tok: cccinstockholm
Wechat: 斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心 or scan the QR code below