该节目以“云演出”方式 演绎经典,用音乐传递“家庭和睦、社会和谐、世界和平” 的美好希冀。联动中国知名艺术家宋飞、吴玉霞及多名国家一级演奏家共同参与演绎大众耳熟能详的中外经典音乐作 品,通过特定场景录制及后期合成,打造“天涯共此时—— 名家名曲艺中秋”中秋主题音乐视频,向海内外同胞们献上最诚挚的节日问候。

The classics are played by means of “cloud performance”, and the great wishes for “family concord, social harmony and world peace” are delivered by music during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the traditional Chinese festival. Well-known Chinese artists, including Song Fei, Wu Yuxia and other national first-class performers, are invited to play the classical music pieces renowned at home and abroad, and the online performance is created through recorded special scenes and late composition to extend the most sincere holiday greetings to Chinese people at home and abroad.

Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholm


Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholm


Youtube: China Cultural Center in Stockholm


Tik Tok: cccinstockholm



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