

Arts, Culture and Nature – The Best of Art Shows for Tourism of China






Digital Yuanmingyuan ER Exhibition des Lumières




Combining culture with art and science & technology from a contemporary perspective, Yuanmingyuan is represented in the time space, a new form of digital relics + immersive multimedia. 720 ° fully immersive space, 500 ㎡ full vision linkage image, 5G/8K, AI/AR and other technologies create an extraordinary exhibition experience. Based on 20 years of research conducted by Tsinghua University, the original appearance of Yuanmingyuan is reconstructed from the intricate clues of historical materials, map files, archaeological excavation sites, old photos, copper plate paintings and so on. Let us reveal the vanishing beauty of the landscape and reinterpret the culture, art and philosophy within the garden.





Song of the Moon




Song of the Moon, a large-scale immersive live landscape performance, is presented on Moon Island in Xin’an River, Jiande, Hangzhou. The performance uses large-scale multimedia projection to create an incomparable “visual field”. Luminous colorful flowers, light fog and light time tunnel, including river view, rain fall, trees, birds, battlefield fire, starlight, lightning and thunder, interpret the beauty of historical humanity and the greatness of the landscape by modern technology. In addition, a large elevated water gushing system is used to create images of the river, towering waves and the Xin’an River Dam, so that the performance space is integrated with the projected natural objects, forming an interactive performance between actors and their shadows. The audience seems to have walked into a beautiful surreal world.





Dreaming in Hometown




Dreaming in Hometown, a large-scale landscape performance, is put on in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province. Based on natural landscape, it combines traditional stage art with advanced sound, light and electrical technologies. In four acts of spring, summer, autumn and winter, it interprets the hard-working story of Huizhou merchants, a moving love story of loyalty, the prosperity of imperial examination culture, and the ups and downs of martial arts legend. The performance leads the audience traveling through ancient Huizhou and Wuyuan in the dream to discover the essence of agricultural civilization, to experience the long-lost customs and nostalgia, and to find the hometown where the heart lies.





Silk Road



1979年,甘肃省歌舞剧院的编导们怀着对艺术的追求和对敦煌文化的敬仰,七次前往敦煌莫高窟采风,将瑰丽多姿的敦煌壁画搬上舞台。《丝路花雨》自此诞生。这不仅成就了一个新舞种——“敦煌舞””,而且在全国掀起“敦煌热” ,在世界刮起“中国风”。《丝路花雨》现已成为兼具“传统厚度、创新高度、传播力度”的甘肃文化名片,备受各地观众的喜爱。

In 1979, With the pursuit of art and the respect of Dunhuang culture, choreographers of Opera and Dance Drama Theatre of Gansu Province went to Mogao Grottoes seven times to study the beautiful Dunhuang murals, based on which the dance drama Silk Road was created. It marks the emergence of a new dance category – Dunhuang Dance, making Dunhuang a hot trend in China and around the world. Silk Road has now become a popular symbol of Gansu culture featuring profound cultural tradition, advanced innovation and extensive publicity.





The Peach Colony



《桃花源记》实景演出位于湖南常德。它结合自然生态景观,以河流为游线、以观众变身武陵人乘船画中游的全新浸人式观演方式,打造了世界首个“十里秦溪”河流剧场。观众在这里能体验多种非物质文化遗产,品尝当地特色食品,看到活生生的乡村飞禽走兽。400多位演职人员里360多名都是当地的农民,他们在这个“会演戏的村庄”里本色演出,生动还原了陶渊明先生笔下“芳草鲜美,落英缤纷”、“有良田美池桑竹之属” 、“黄发垂鬆并怡然自乐”的“世外桃源” ,也让观众们亲身体验到中国古典诗歌里的生动美好的田园生活,从一个侧面感受中国式审美的真谛,看到、了解千百年来中国的美丽乡村、华人魂牵梦萦的心灵故乡。

Live landscape spectacle The Peach Colony staged in Changde, Hunan province is the first river theatre in the world, featuring a new immersive mode of live performances combining a river tour in the landscape, vividly restored the scenery described in the poem of The Peach Colony by Tao Yuanming. More than 360 local farmers take part in the performance in the river theatre with modern stage lighting to restore the natural and peaceful paradise where “the fragrant grass is fresh, the fallen flowers are in profusion”, inviting audience to live an idyllic life in the Chinese poem.





Night Tour of the World of Lanterns




The first national 5A-class scenic spot of colored lantern industry was built in Zigong, Sichuan Province. Creative design, technical research and lantern exhibition formed an industrial base of lantern production. Colored lantern theme park comprises cultural tourism, resort hotel, leisure and amusement projects and a variety of elements to form a large-scale international cultural tourism complex. With the construction of intelligent ecological community and urban infrastructure, Zigong has become a destination featuring all-for-one tourism in China.



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