December 7, or the 23rd of the tenth month of Chinese lunar calendar, is the 21st solar term – Daxue (Heavy Snow) this year. As the third solar term in winter, Daxue indicates that the temperature will further decrease and that the arrival of strong cold air will increase precipitation. Snow is beneficial to alleviate winter drought and eliminate crop diseases and pests; snow cover can prevent ground temperature from dropping too much, creating a favorable environment for crops to survive the winter.
Video provided by China Xinhua News Network Corporation
Similar to the previous solar term Xiaoxue (Light Snow), Daxue is also a good time to make preserved meat and vegetable in some areas. As an old saying goes, people should “make preserved vegetables during Xiaoxue and preserved meat during Daxue”. Pork, chicken, duck, fish and all kinds of meat can be cured; cabbage, potherb mustard, green beans, radish, bamboo shoots, mustard root, pepper and a variety of vegetables are all suitable for pickling.
四川东坡泡菜 Sichuan Dongpo pickle / 田玲 Tian Ling
Although Daxue (Heavy Snow) does not necessarily fall during this solar term as the name suggests, temperature has dropped to 0℃ or below in most parts of China. Some rivers and lakes in the north have been frozen and ice rinks in many parks have been opened for people to skate and play.
《冰戏图》轴 清乾隆 金廷标绘 纸本设色 纵121厘米 横64.8厘米 现藏于故宫博物院
Ice-skating, Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty, Jin Tingbiao, Ink and color on paper, 121 x 64.8 cm In the collection of the Palace Museum
Daxue is a proper time to nourish the body as it can improve immunity and boost metabolism. It is preferable to eat garlic, ginger, radish, green onion, mutton, sweet potato, yam, longan, chestnut, sesame, peanut and other warm- and hot-natured food to defend against the cold.
齐齐哈尔烤肉 Qiqihar Barbeque
As the midwinter arrives, Heilongjiang, the northmost province of China, has become a fairyland of ice and snow.
黑龙江省文化和旅游厅 Heilongjiang Provincial Culture and Tourism Office
伊春库尔滨雾凇 Rime in Kurbin, Yichun
牡丹江镜泊湖 Jingbo Lake, Mudanjiang
伊春五营国家森林公园 Wuying National Forest Park, Yichun
哈尔滨东北虎林园 Siberian Tiger Park, Harbin
齐齐哈尔扎龙自然保护区 Zhalong Nature Reserve, Qiqihar
圣索菲亚教堂 Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin / Photo by Holyeagle Qin
哈尔滨伏尔加庄园 Volga Manor, Harbin
哈尔滨大剧院 Harbin Grand Theatre
哈尔滨太阳岛雪博会 Harbin Snow Fair
亚布力滑雪旅游度假区 Yabuli International Ski Resort
大庆北国温泉 Beiguo Hot Spring Resort, Daqing / hljwenquan.com
中国雪乡 China Snow Town (Xue Xiang)
a大兴安岭漠河北极圣诞村The Christmas Village, Mohe
哈尔滨冰雪大世界 Harbin Ice and Snow World
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